CIPE is committed to facilitate private sector collective action for inclusive governance in Kenya. CIPE’s objective is to expand private sector participation in the budget making process so that they can hold the government accountable for the services they offer.
IPF-K with the support of CIPE is working with three County Chambers (Uasin Gishu, Mombasa and Embu) to build their capacity to engage in the budget making process with the County Executive and Legislature. It is on this basis that the Institute offered Mombasa Chambers technical support to prepare a written submission to the County Executive on the Budget Estimates 2020/21.
The Budget Estimates are prepared pursuant to section 129 (1) of the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act. The Estimates which should be submitted to the County Assembly by 30th April of each year set the final spending at the departmental level.
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