Our Projects

Enhancing Transparency, Accountability and Participation during Budget Implementation and Audit (Timiza Uwazi)


Through this project, IPF is working towards enhancing transparency, accountability, and participation during implementation and oversight stages of the budget process for improved service delivery at national level and in Taita Taveta, Kilifi, Laikipia, and Narok counties

Sauti ya Bajeti Mashinani

Through the program, IPF is working to achieve the following objectives in Kisumu, Kakamega, Nairobi, Makueni, Busia, and Kwale Counties through trainings, capacity strengthening and offering technical support:

  • Increased knowledge on public participation of marginalized groups, CSAs, and private sector in identification of development priorities in the counties to amplify their voices. 
  • Enhanced collaboration between county governments, civil society organizations and the public to promote transparency accountability and dialogue on status of service delivery.
  • Enhanced capacity of civil society organizations to conduct social audits and promote accountability in service delivery.
  • Increased advocacy initiatives (citizen forums, petitions, and community dialogue sessions, county engagement) to promote community led development


The program seeks to engage a diverse pool of university students as Trainers of Trainers (ToTs) targeting students pursuing Economics, Business, Law, Journalism and any other identified to be relevant. Our engagement will facilitate the transfer of expertise and practical insights on Public Finance Management processes from IPF as a think tank to university students to foster a culture of active participation and meaningful engagement in governance processes in the target counties and especially in public budgets.

Humanitarian – Development Budget Tracking and Advocacy

The Project Humanitarian-Development Tracking aspires to build partnerships that are inclusive, accountable, empowering, and based on relationships of openness and trust among ASAL counties in Kenya. The project aims to improve budget allocation for disaster response within the national and county budgeting processes. To achieve this, the projects do through tracking of budget expenditure on disaster preparedness in West Pokot, Isiolo and Samburu counties while at the National level, this will be done in Nairobi County.

Health Budget Analytics (HEBA)

The Health Budget Analytics (HEBA) project aims to enhance the understanding of resource allocation and utilization within the health sector at both national and subnational levels within the broader macroeconomic landscape. By analyzing the macroeconomic context and its impact on governmental funding capabilities, the project seeks to inform and improve strategic health sector financing, ultimately contributing to more effective and equitable health service delivery across Ethiopia.

National Annual Shadow Budget by IPFK™

IPF successfully launched the ANSB 2024/25 Report on April 16th 2024. The analytic product included the following:

  1. Analysis of expenditures across different sectors, highlighting the percentage changes in allocations and budget absorption rates as well as comparing the National Government priority policies to resource allocations in the forthcoming budget years.
  2. Analysis of non-financial performance by linking budget data to key performance indicators as reported in the sector working group reports.

WFD (Public Debt Oversight by the Parliament of Kenya: PDMAT)

 The following are the goals for the project:

  • Assessment of Parliament’s capacity to oversight debt, using the Public Debt Management
  • Assessment Toolkit (PDMAT) to identify priority areas for improvement. The PDMAT toolkit employed six critical dimensions: public debt on the balance sheet, oversight of contingent liabilities, legislative role, ratification of loan agreements, role of parliament in the budget cycle, and oversight of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) with the aim of strengthening Parliament’s oversight on public debt.

Strengthened civil society and media for fiscal justice / NORAD

The overall objective of the project is to build the capacity of civil society organizations and journalists in advocating for fair recovery enabled by progressive and gender sensitive domestic resource mobilization to expand investments in achieving SDGs.


OSR(Own Source Revenue Collection)

IPF, with support of William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, is implementing a 2-year, project to strengthen local revenue generation reforms in three selected counties – Kitui, Laikipia and Nairobi City. The goal of the project is to progressively support the target county governments of to enhance their Own Source Revenue collection. This will be achieved by providing technical assistance (with the support from CRA).

USAID Resilience Learning Activity

The South Eastern Kenya Coordination Mechanism, with technical assistance from the Institute of Public Finance Kenya (IPF), is implementing the Joint Work Planning Cycle in Kitui County for FY 2022/2023 and FY 2023/2024. This work is a continuation of the SEK’s assistance to the USAID Mission and county governments in the co-creation, co-facilitation, and co-implementation of joint work plans at the county level.

Joint Work Planning in Kitui County exemplifies how strategic collaboration, local leadership, and joint resource commitments can lead to significant advancements in addressing development needs and priorities. The achievements to date highlight the potential for such collaborative efforts to create sustainable, impactful change.

Strengthening Parliamentary Leadership for Transformative Action on Health and Gender Outcomes (SPALTA)

Through the project, IPF in partnership with the Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA) seek to increase and improve participation of women leaders in governance and accountability structures focused on reducing gender inequities and improving health investments at the national level and at the county level.

Enhancing Capacity for PFM under Decentralization in Kenya

IPF in partnership with the National Treasury and with the support of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), is implementing a three (3) year technical assistance programme to enhance the capacities of public finance management officials in the decentralized system in Kenya on the development of Programme-Based Budgets (PBB).

Research and Capacity Strengthening for Debt Accountability in Kenya

The objectives of the project include.

  1. Enhanced Transparency and Accountability in public debt and pending bills.
  2. Enhanced capacity of budget champions in Isiolo County, and citizens at the national level through dissemination of the report for an active citizenship voice and participation
  3. Enhance inclusive and responsive institutional governance

Annual Macro-Fiscal Analytic Snapshot (MFAS)

The objectives of the analytic product include

  1. Continuously increased responsiveness of policy makers, such as the National Treasury and Parliament, to the issues raised in the document.
  2. Continuously inform public discourse on Kenya’s economic performance, allocation and use of public resources and developments in PFM institutions.

IPF successfully launched the MFAS 2024 on January 29th, 2024. This is an analysis of the trends in revenue and expenditure, debt, aid and evolution of institutional frameworks. The report was successfully launched and disseminated. We have held high-level engagements for specific sectors such as health, agriculture gender and WASH.



CIPE (Centre for International Private Enterprise)

This project seeks to enhance private sector participation in domestic governance.


IPF has conducted CBEF trainings in Nairobi, Mombasa, Vihiga, West Pokot, Uasin Gishu, and Kirinyaga counties. The objective of the training was to strengthen the capacity of the chamber members to participate in the budget process through provision of knowledge on the stages involved, the actors involved in each stage, key documents produced, and their key timelines


Power of Voices Partnership (PVP)

The project aims to achieve fundamental, systemic change through a paradigm shift in the roles of the state and the market. This means moving away from the dominance of the market and towards more responsive and responsible states, citizens, companies and investors. It requires challenging vested interests, tackling power imbalances and helping to build new economic models and principles that put people and the planet before profit.


IPF convened meetings with communities from Taita Taveta, Turkana and Kwale Counties where gemstones, gold and mineral sands are mined, where individuals could potentially benefit from the sector’s value chain and have the space to meaningfully engage private sector and government in securing benefits from these resources.